Fireworks: Behind the Scenes

  • StoryFutures
  • November 30th 2021

This series of 5 x 5-minute behind-the-scenes (BTS) films accompany the release of Fireworks. Produced by StoryFutures Academy - the UK’s National Centre for Immersive Storytelling, run by National Film & Television School and Royal Holloway, University of London – the BTS films are designed to make Virtual Production accessible and simple to understand for all audiences. Each chapter addresses a key area of the Virtual Production filmmaking process, featuring interviews with the key film crew and Virtual Production team, and an access-all-areas view of the techniques, challenges, and benefits of Virtual Production.

Episode 1 "The Beginning"

Meet the team behind ‘Fireworks’, and the history of how it came to be a Virtual Production in Episode 1 of Behind the Scenes, featuring exclusive interviews with the key creative team.

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